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students in science lab

Throughout the school year, many Gwynedd students have participated in internships. All student interns must complete 50 hours by the end of the school year, and they will be recognized at the reception in May.  

Some of the most popular internships offered at Gwynedd are Science, Marketing, Culinary, and Counseling. The Marketing interns, Olivia Slamm '25 and Lauren Hepler '25, worked on summer camp planning and Open House. They have also documented the construction at Gwynedd and have been involved in events like spirit week, service, and DEIJ. The Science interns are Audrey Young '25, Hailey Wood '25, and Jessica Crocker '26. They have completed hours of lab work for all science courses and are responsible for testing experiments for classes. The Counseling interns, Molly Minnich '25 and Katelyn Chipman '25, work diligently to create the bulletin board outside the counseling office to promote mental health wellness in school and outside the classroom. For the culinary internship, Elison Maguire '25, Olivia Creel '24, Olivia Carlo '24, and Rose Sweeney '26, work in the kitchen. As interns, they have worked during and after school to help prepare the kitchen for events and have food prepared for nights like McAuley's Pub Night. With four interns, they each take one turn a week serving lunch and working closely with the kitchen chefs.

Overall applying for an internship is worth your while, it can open your eyes to new experiences and interests!